I have been training in tennis since I was six years old. You could say I was born to play racket sports. I remember being very eager to attend classes, which brought me a great deal of satisfaction. Unfortunately, my journey with tennis came to an end after several years due to health issues.
Since I can't live without sports, I decided to join a football club. Although I enjoy football, I felt that something was missing in my life. My new chapter with Pickleball began in a rather amusing way—during my vacation. Even then, I knew it would become another important piece of the puzzle in my life.
I have been training in tennis since I was six years old. You could say I was born to play racket sports. I remember being very eager to attend classes, which brought me a great deal of satisfaction. Unfortunately, my journey with tennis came to an end after several years due to health issues.
Since I can't live without sports, I decided to join a football club. Although I enjoy football, I felt that something was missing in my life. My new chapter with Pickleball began in a rather amusing way—during my vacation. Even then, I knew it would become another important piece of the puzzle in my life.
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